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Elie-Georges Berreby was born in Algiers between the two world wars. He relates his childhood in L'Enfant pied-noir, a book that earned him three literary prizes in 2008. Forced to stop his studies, at the age of 15, he makes a succession of jobs : salesman, journalist, opened a textile shop. The money he earns allowed him to attend different courses at the Sorbonne University, from literature and philosophy to law. This openness gives him thinking tools to question about religions. His spiritual research leads him to a biblical institute in Denmark during two years.
He also participates in denouncing the colonial situation of Algeria. The Algerian war is for him a long and painful episode. At that time, he writes an anticolonialist play, l'Homme d'ailleurs, glorifying the independence heroes of an imaginary country. The show in Algiers grants him the affect of the native algerians.
After setteling in Paris, he experiences the success of his play Jonas which was performed in all around the world during many years.
During a sabbatical year in Latin America, he paints his vision of the world. Perharps his best work is at his return. And the exhibitions alternate with the performances. 
He leaves many years later to Cap Verde Islands where he begins doing sculptures with "Pao Sangue" wood from Guinea Bisseau. The first parisian exhibition in Saphir Gallery is successful. After Cap Verde Islands, Costa Rica, where Elie-Georges finds beautiful tropical woods : nazareno, genizaro, etc. The long journey does not stop here, the artist leaves to Tanzania and then Sri Lanka before returning to Paris in 1995.


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